
AWS IoT Device Clientを使って簡単にAWS IoTを始めよう

· 約16分

AWSではIoT CoreをはじめDevice Mangementなど関連サービスが多数提供されています。IoT系サービスを試してみる場合、IoTという特性上クラウド側の準備の他にデバイス側も準備する必要があり、かなり手間がかかってしまいます。デバイス側の手間を削減するため、AWSがデバイス側のソフトウェアとしてAWS IoT Device ClientをOSSで公開していますので、これを使って簡単にPoCを始めることができます。

  • IoT Device ClientがOSSで公開されている
  • Dockerfileが用意されており、簡単にセットアップが可能
  • IoT Device Clientを使用することで、IoT系のサービスとしてどのようなものが提供されているか把握ができる

AWS IoT Device Clientとは

The AWS IoT Device Client is free, open-source, modular software written in C++ that you can compile and install on your Embedded Linux based IoT devices to access AWS IoT Core, AWS IoT Device Management, and AWS IoT Device Defender features by default. It serves as a reference implementation for your IoT devices to work with AWS IoT services, with operational best practices baked in – using it is the easiest way to create a proof-of-concept (PoC) for your IoT project. What’s more, since it is open-source, you can modify it to fit your business needs, or optimize it when you wish to scale up from a PoC to production.

出典:AWS IoT Device ClientのGitHubリポジトリ

AWS IoT Device Clientは、C++で書かれた無料のオープンソースモジュラーソフトウェアで、コンパイルしてEmbedded LinuxベースのIoTデバイスにインストールすると、AWS IoT Core, AWS IoT Device Management, AWS IoT Device Defenderの機能にデフォルトでアクセスすることができます。IoTデバイスがAWS IoTサービスと連携するためのリファレンス実装として、運用のベストプラクティスが組み込まれており、IoTプロジェクトの概念実証(PoC)を行う最も簡単な方法として利用することができます。さらに、オープンソースであるため、ビジネスニーズに合わせて変更したり、PoCから本番にスケールアップする際に最適化したりすることが可能です。


参考 https://aws.amazon.com/jp/about-aws/whats-new/2021/01/new-aws-iot-device-client-simplifies-onboarding-to-aws-iot-core-aws-iot-device-management-and-aws-iot-device-defender/


WSL2(Ubuntu 20.04)上で試しました。他のLinux環境でも同様と思います。





  1. Dockerfileはmainブランチから取得
  2. その他のソースはv1.7タグから取得


  • コンテナイメージのビルド
git clone https://github.com/awslabs/aws-iot-device-client.git
cp -r aws-iot-device-client/.github/docker-images/base-images ./
cd aws-iot-device-client/
git checkout -b v1.7

docker build . --file ../base-images/ubuntu/Dockerfile -t device-client:ubuntu



  • Amazon Linuxの場合
docker build . --file ../base-images/amazonlinux/Dockerfile -t device-client:amazonlinux
  • ubi8
docker build . --file ../base-images/ubi8/Dockerfile -t device-client:ubi8

ubi8Red Hat Universal Base Image 8というものだそうです。 https://catalog.redhat.com/software/containers/ubi8/ubi/5c359854d70cc534b3a3784e


docker images | grep device-client
device-client    ubi8             a72516f16f86   9 hours ago    3.57GB
device-client amazonlinux 7388d571d9a3 9 hours ago 3.46GB
device-client ubuntu 93d08b9ee632 9 hours ago 3.13GB

IoT Device Clinntを起動する


docker run -it --rm device-client:ubuntu --help
        AWS IoT Device Client BINARY

For more documentation, see https://github.com/awslabs/aws-iot-device-client

Available sub-commands:

--help: Get more help on commands
--version: Output current version
--export-default-settings <JSON-File-Location>: Export default settings for the AWS IoT Device Client binary to the specified file and exit program
--config-file <JSON-File-Location>: Take settings defined in the specified JSON file and start the binary
--log-level <[DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR]>: Specify the log level for the AWS IoT Device Client
--log-type <[STDOUT, FILE]>: Specify the logger implementation to use.
--log-file <File-Location>: Write logs to specified log file when using the file logger.
--enable-sdk-logging Enable SDK Logging.
--sdk-log-level <[Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Fatal]>: Specify the log level for the SDK
--sdk-log-file <File-Location>: Write SDK logs to specified log file.
--enable-jobs [true|false]: Enables/Disables Jobs feature
--enable-tunneling [true|false]: Enables/Disables Tunneling feature
--enable-device-defender [true|false]: Enables/Disables Device Defender feature
--enable-fleet-provisioning [true|false]: Enables/Disables Fleet Provisioning feature
--enable-pub-sub [true|false]: Enables/Disables Pub/Sub Sample feature
--enable-sample-shadow [true|false]: Enables/Disables Sample Shadow feature
--enable-config-shadow [true|false]: Enables/Disables Config Shadow feature
--enable-secure-element [true|false]: Enables/Disables Secure Element Configuration
--endpoint <endpoint-value>: Use Specified Endpoint
--cert <Cert-Location>: Use Specified Cert file
--key <Key-Location>: Use Specified Key file
--root-ca <Root-CA-Location>: Use Specified Root-CA file
--thing-name <thing-name-value/client-id-value>: Use Specified Thing Name (Also used as Client ID)
--jobs-handler-dir <Jobs-handler-directory>: Use specified directory to find job handlers
--tunneling-region <region>: Use Specified AWS Region for Secure Tunneling
--tunneling-service <service>: Connect secure tunnel to specific service
--tunneling-disable-notification: Disable MQTT new tunnel notification for Secure Tunneling
--device-defender-interval <interval>: Positive integer to publish Device Defender metrics
--fleet-provisioning-template-name <template-name>: Use specified Fleet Provisioning template name
--fleet-provisioning-template-parameters <template-parameters>: Use specified Fleet Provisioning template parameters. A JSON object specified as an escaped string
--csr-file <csr-file-path>: Use specified CSR file to generate a certificate by keeping user private key secure. If the CSR file is specified without also specifying a device private key, the Device Client will use Claim Certificate and Private key to generate new Certificate and Private Key while provisioning the device
--device-key <device-key-path>: Use specified device key to connect to IoT core after provisioning using csr file is completed. If the CSR file is specified without also specifying a device private key, the Device Client will use Claim Certificate and Private key to generate new Certificate and Private Key while provisioning the device
--publish-topic <publish-topic>: The topic the Pub/Sub sample feature will publish to
--publish-file <path/to/publish/file>: The file the Pub/Sub sample feature will read from when publishing
--subscribe-topic <subscribe-topic>: The topic the Pub/Sub sample feature will receive messages on
--subscribe-file <path/to/sub/file>: The file the Pub/Sub sample feature will write received messaged to
--shadow-name <shadow-name>: The name of shadow SampleShadow feature will create or update
--shadow-input-file <shadow-input-file>: The file the Sample Shadow feature will read from when updating shadow data
--shadow-output-file <shadow-output-file>: The file the Sample Shadow feature will write the latest shadow document to
--pkcs11-lib <pkcs11-lib-path>: The file path to PKCS#11 library
--secure-element-pin <secure-element-pin>: The user PIN for logging into PKCS#11 token.
--secure-element-key-label <secure-element-key-label>: The Label of private key on the PKCS#11 token (optional).
--secure-element-slot-id <secure-element-slot-id>: The Slot ID containing PKCS#11 token to use (optional).
--secure-element-token-label <secure-element-token-label>: The Label of the PKCS#11 token to use (optional).
--http-proxy-config <http-proxy-config-file>: Use specified file path to load HTTP proxy configs




touch $PWD/config.json
docker run -it --rm \
-v $PWD/config-template.json:/tmp/config-template.json
device-client:ubuntu --export-default-settings /tmp/config-template.json
"endpoint": "<replace_with_endpoint_value>",
"cert": "<replace_with_certificate_file_path>",
"key": "<replace_with_private_key_file_path>",
"root-ca": "<replace_with_root_ca_file_path>",
"thing-name": "<replace_with_thing_name>",
"logging": {
"level": "DEBUG",
"type": "FILE",
"file": "/var/log/aws-iot-device-client/aws-iot-device-client.log",
"enable-sdk-logging": false,
"sdk-log-level": "TRACE",
"sdk-log-file": "/var/log/aws-iot-device-client/sdk.log"
"jobs": {
"enabled": true,
"handler-directory": "<replace_with_job_handler_directory_path>"
"tunneling": {
"enabled": true
"device-defender": {
"enabled": true,
"interval": <replace_with_interval>
"fleet-provisioning": {
"enabled": false,
"template-name": "<replace_with_template_name>",
"template-parameters": "<replace_with_template_parameters>",
"csr-file": "<replace_with_csr_file_path>",
"device-key": "<replace_with_device_private_key_file_path>"
"samples": {
"pub-sub": {
"enabled": false,
"publish-topic": "<replace_with_publish_topic>",
"publish-file": "<replace_with_publish_file_path>",
"subscribe-topic": "<replace_with_subscribe_topic>",
"subscribe-file": "<replace_with_subscribe_file_path>"
"sample-shadow": {
"enabled": false,
"shadow-name": "<replace_with_shadow_name>",
"shadow-input-file": "<replace_with_shaodw_input_file_path>",
"shadow-output-file": "<replace_with_shaodw_output_file_path>"
"config-shadow": {
"enabled": false
"secure-element": {
"enabled": false,
"pkcs11-lib": "<replace_with_pkcs11_lib_path>",
"secure-element-pin": "<replace_with_secure_element_pin>",
"secure-element-key-label": "<replace_with_secure_element_key_label>",
"secure-element-slot-id": replace_with_secure_element_slot_id_integer,
"secure-element-token-label": "<replace_with_secure_element_token_label>"
"sensor-publish": [
"sensors": false,
"enabled": "<replace>",
"name": "<replace>",
"addr": replace,
"addr_poll_sec": replace,
"buffer_time_ms": replace,
"buffer_size": replace,
"buffer_capacity": "<replace>",
"eom_delimiter": "<replace>",
"mqtt_topic": "<replace>",
"mqtt_dead_letter_topic": "<replace>",
"mqtt_heartbeat_topic": replace

AWS IoTクラウドの設定(モノの登録、ポリシーの作成、証明書の作成)

マネジメントコンソールから(モノの登録、ポリシーの作成、証明書の作成)を行ってください。 証明書類はcertディレクトリー内に配置しました。

tree cert
├── AmazonRootCA1.pem
├── AmazonRootCA3.pem
├── certificate.pem.crt
├── private.pem.key
└── public.pem.key
0 directories, 5 files



IoT Device Clientの起動時にファイルの権限チェックが行われます。(参考) 警告レベルとエラーレベルのチェックがありますが、最低限動作させるために必要な権限を設定します。

chmod 700 cert
chmod 600 cert/private.pem.key



mkdir log && touch log/aws-iot-device-client.log


Pub Sub Sampleを実行

まずはPub Subのサンプルを実行してみましょう。 先程作成したconfig-template.jsonを参考に、config-pubsub.jsonを作成します。

  • config-pubsub.json
"endpoint": "xxxxxxxxxx.iot.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com",
"cert": "/root/cert/certificate.pem.crt",
"key": "/root/cert/private.pem.key",
"root-ca": "/root/cert/AmazonRootCA1.pem",
"thing-name": "thing-name",
"logging": {
"level": "DEBUG",
"type": "FILE",
"file": "/var/log/aws-iot-device-client/aws-iot-device-client.log",
"enable-sdk-logging": false,
"sdk-log-level": "TRACE",
"sdk-log-file": "/var/log/aws-iot-device-client/sdk.log"
"samples": {
"pub-sub": {
"enabled": true,
"publish-topic": "sample/topic1",
"subscribe-topic": "sample/topic2"



docker run -it --rm \
-v $PWD/config-pubsub.json:/tmp/config.json:ro \
-v $PWD/cert:/root/cert:ro \
-v $PWD/log:/var/log/aws-iot-device-client \
device-client:ubuntu --config-file /tmp/config.json




メッセージ内容はHello World!となっていますが、変更する場合はpublish-fileを指定します。





IoT Device Clientでは事前に以下のジョブハンドラーが用意されています。

  • aws-iot-device-client/sample-job-handlers
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  938 Sep 24 14:36 download-file.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 913 Sep 24 14:36 install-packages.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1488 Sep 24 14:36 reboot.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 928 Sep 24 14:36 remove-packages.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 821 Sep 24 14:36 restart-services.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 333 Sep 24 14:36 shutdown.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 748 Sep 24 14:36 start-services.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 742 Sep 24 14:36 stop-services.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 881 Sep 24 14:36 verify-packages-installed.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1008 Sep 24 14:36 verify-packages-removed.sh







"_comment": "This sample JSON file can be used for installing specific list of packages on device. The arguments passed here in `steps`->`action`->`args` are valid package names.",
"version": "1.0",
"steps": [
"action": {
"name": "Install Packages",
"type": "runHandler",
"input": {
"handler": "install-packages.sh",
"args": [
"path": "default"
"runAsUser": "root"


  • config-job.json
"endpoint": "xxxxxxxxxx.iot.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com",
"cert": "/root/cert/certificate.pem.crt",
"key": "/root/cert/private.pem.key",
"root-ca": "/root/cert/AmazonRootCA1.pem",
"thing-name": "thing-name",
"logging": {
"level": "DEBUG",
"type": "FILE",
"file": "/var/log/aws-iot-device-client/aws-iot-device-client.log",
"enable-sdk-logging": false,
"sdk-log-level": "TRACE",
"sdk-log-file": "/var/log/aws-iot-device-client/sdk.log"
"jobs": {
"enabled": true,
"handler-directory": "/root/job-handlers"


cp -r aws-iot-device-client/sample-job-handlers ./
chmod 700 sample-job-handlers/*

IoT Device Clientを実行します。

docker run -it --rm \
-v $PWD/config-job.json:/tmp/config.json:ro \
-v $PWD/cert:/root/cert:ro \
-v $PWD/log:/var/log/aws-iot-device-client \
-v $PWD/sample-job-handlers:/root/job-handlers \
device-client:ubuntu --config-file /tmp/config.json


2022-09-25T08:34:17.936Z [DEBUG] {JobsFeature.cpp}: We have not seen a job yet, this is not a duplicate job notification
2022-09-25T08:34:17.936Z [DEBUG] {JobsFeature.cpp}: Attempting to update job execution status!
2022-09-25T08:34:17.937Z [INFO] {JobsFeature.cpp}: Executing job: installjob
2022-09-25T08:34:17.937Z [DEBUG] {Retry.cpp}: Retryable function starting, it will retry until success
2022-09-25T08:34:17.937Z [DEBUG] {JobsFeature.cpp}: Created EphemeralPromise for ClientToken n9QZGlmLVF in the updateJobExecution promises map
2022-09-25T08:34:17.937Z [INFO] {JobEngine.cpp}: About to execute step with name: Install Packages
2022-09-25T08:34:17.937Z [DEBUG] {JobEngine.cpp}: Using DC default command path {/root/job-handlers} for command execution
2022-09-25T08:34:17.937Z [INFO] {JobEngine.cpp}: About to execute: /root/job-handlers/install-packages.sh root lftp dos2unix
2022-09-25T08:34:17.937Z [DEBUG] {JobEngine.cpp}: Child process now running
2022-09-25T08:34:17.938Z [DEBUG] {JobEngine.cpp}: Child process about to call execvp
2022-09-25T08:34:17.940Z [DEBUG] {JobEngine.cpp}: Parent process now running, child PID is 14
2022-09-25T08:34:17.942Z [DEBUG] {14}: Running install-packages.sh
2022-09-25T08:34:17.942Z [DEBUG] {14}: Username: root
2022-09-25T08:34:17.942Z [DEBUG] {14}: Packages to install: lftp dos2unix
2022-09-25T08:34:17.942Z [DEBUG] {14}: Using apt-get for package install
2022-09-25T08:34:17.947Z [DEBUG] {14}: uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
2022-09-25T08:34:17.947Z [DEBUG] {14}: username or sudo command not found
2022-09-25T08:34:18.037Z [DEBUG] {JobsFeature.cpp}: Ack received for PublishUpdateJobExecutionStatus with code {0}
2022-09-25T08:34:18.037Z [DEBUG] {JobsFeature.cpp}: Removing ClientToken n9QZGlmLVF from the updateJobExecution promises map
2022-09-25T08:34:18.038Z [DEBUG] {JobsFeature.cpp}: Success response after UpdateJobExecution for job installjob
2022-09-25T08:34:19.521Z [DEBUG] {14}: Reading package lists...
2022-09-25T08:34:19.832Z [DEBUG] {14}: Building dependency tree...
2022-09-25T08:34:19.832Z [DEBUG] {14}: Reading state information...
2022-09-25T08:34:20.195Z [DEBUG] {14}: The following NEW packages will be installed:
2022-09-25T08:34:20.196Z [DEBUG] {14}: dos2unix lftp
2022-09-25T08:34:21.917Z [DEBUG] {14}: 0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.
2022-09-25T08:34:21.917Z [DEBUG] {14}: Need to get 912 kB of archives.
2022-09-25T08:34:21.917Z [DEBUG] {14}: After this operation, 2942 kB of additional disk space will be used.
2022-09-25T08:34:21.917Z [DEBUG] {14}: Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main amd64 lftp amd64 4.8.1-1ubuntu0.2 [561 kB]
2022-09-25T08:34:23.453Z [DEBUG] {14}: Get:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic/universe amd64 dos2unix amd64 7.3.4-3 [351 kB]
2022-09-25T08:34:23.910Z [DEBUG] {14}: Fetched 912 kB in 3s (273 kB/s)
2022-09-25T08:34:23.964Z [DEBUG] {14}: Selecting previously unselected package lftp.
2022-09-25T08:34:24.119Z [DEBUG] {14}: (Reading database ... (Reading database ... 5 (Reading database ... 10 (Reading database ... 15 (Reading database ... 20 (Reading database ... 25 (Reading database ... 30 (Reading database ... 35 (Reading database ... 40 (Reading database ... 45 (Reading database ... 50 (Reading database ... 55 (Reading database ... 60 (Reading database ... 65 (Reading database ... 70 (Reading database ... 75 (Reading database ... 80 (Reading database ... 85 (Reading database ... 90 (Reading database ... 95 (Reading database ... 100 (Reading database ... 16054 files and directories currently installed.)
2022-09-25T08:34:24.121Z [DEBUG] {14}: Preparing to unpack .../lftp_4.8.1-1ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb ...
2022-09-25T08:34:24.131Z [DEBUG] {14}: Unpacking lftp (4.8.1-1ubuntu0.2) ...
2022-09-25T08:34:24.319Z [DEBUG] {14}: Selecting previously unselected package dos2unix.
2022-09-25T08:34:24.322Z [DEBUG] {14}: Preparing to unpack .../dos2unix_7.3.4-3_amd64.deb ...
2022-09-25T08:34:24.333Z [DEBUG] {14}: Unpacking dos2unix (7.3.4-3) ...
2022-09-25T08:34:24.505Z [DEBUG] {14}: Setting up dos2unix (7.3.4-3) ...
2022-09-25T08:34:24.537Z [DEBUG] {14}: Setting up lftp (4.8.1-1ubuntu0.2) ...
2022-09-25T08:34:24.587Z [DEBUG] {14}: Processing triggers for mime-support (3.60ubuntu1) ...
2022-09-25T08:34:24.667Z [ERROR] {14}: debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed
2022-09-25T08:34:24.668Z [DEBUG] {JobEngine.cpp}: JobEngine finished waiting for child process, returning 0
2022-09-25T08:34:24.668Z [WARN] {JobEngine.cpp}: While executing action Install Packages, JobEngine reported receiving errors from STDERR
2022-09-25T08:34:24.668Z [INFO] {JobsFeature.cpp}: Job exited with status: 0
2022-09-25T08:34:24.668Z [WARN] {JobsFeature.cpp}: JobEngine reported receiving errors from STDERR
2022-09-25T08:34:24.668Z [INFO] {JobsFeature.cpp}: Job executed successfully!
2022-09-25T08:34:24.668Z [DEBUG] {JobsFeature.cpp}: Attempting to update job execution status!
2022-09-25T08:34:24.668Z [DEBUG] {Retry.cpp}: Retryable function starting, it will retry until success
2022-09-25T08:34:24.668Z [DEBUG] {JobsFeature.cpp}: Created EphemeralPromise for ClientToken FmcsxnvYV5 in the updateJobExecution promises map
2022-09-25T08:34:24.702Z [DEBUG] {JobsFeature.cpp}: Ack received for PublishUpdateJobExecutionStatus with code {0}
2022-09-25T08:34:24.703Z [DEBUG] {JobsFeature.cpp}: Removing ClientToken FmcsxnvYV5 from the updateJobExecution promises map
2022-09-25T08:34:24.703Z [DEBUG] {JobsFeature.cpp}: Success response after UpdateJobExecution for job installjob
2022-09-25T08:34:25.787Z [INFO] {JobsFeature.cpp}: No pending jobs are scheduled, waiting for the next incoming job




  • Fleet Provisioning Feature
  • Device Defender Feature
  • Secure Tunneling Feature
  • Named Shadow Feature
  • Sensor Publish Feature
  • Provisioning with Secure Elements Feature